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Starting October 2023, we will be giving 40 weeks to pray and to worship - to be community together with God: Father, Son and Spirit - so that we might grow in our love for Him. 

Our hope is to grow increasingly dependent on God, expectant for God, and changed by God. We will be committing to new practices and rhythms over the 40 weeks in three areas of our lives.



What is at the centre
of my life?
What does my heart
long for?
What motivates me to keep going, and what is my life aiming at?
How might God become the centre of my life?


What is at the centre of our life together at St Nics? 
What is the character of this community, and what do people experience when they spend time here?
How might God become the centre of our church? 


What is at the centre of our friendship & social groups, relationships, marriages, and families?
How might God become the center of our circles?

40 Weeks Sermon Episodes

Sand Dunes

What's At The Centre?

Exodus 33:1-17

This sermon kicks off our 40 week journey and explains what it could mean for us as a church.


Image by Juli Kosolapova

Here are some resources to help you on your journey to become more dependent and expectant for and change by God. 

Keep checking back as this section will be updated regularly. 

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40 Weeks resources for families

Read | Listen | Practice

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