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Palm Sunday | 24th March
9am | Service of the Word
11am | Holy Communion (Streamed)
4pm | The 4 @ 4pm
630pm |Holy Communion
Monday 25th March
Morning Prayer
Tuesday 26th March
Morning Prayer
Wednesday 27th March
Morning Prayer
Maundy Thursday
Communion Service
Riding Lights Theatre Company The Narrow Road: A Passion Play
Maundy Thursday | 7:30pm
Riding Lights is an independent company based in York who are coming to St Nics to perform Paul Birch's play which retraces the footsteps of Jesus through the Easter journey.
Good Friday | 29th March
630pm service after which the church will be open for quiet prayer and reflection.
At 9pm we will say evening prayer, followed by compline at 1140pm
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